Elizabeth LaKamp
Star Quality Vocalist, Entertainer & Songwriter
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call or text;
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No worries! I promise your information will not be sold or shared.
You can also send me an email with your questions, comments or feedback by clicking 'contact me' at the bottom of this page.

I am interested in a Singing Telegram
Please also call if your surprise is less than 48 hours away. A rush fee may apply.
Please fill out the form below to inquire about
booking or gifting a show or music as therapy
In the message box below please include any additional details such as;
'I would like to request entertainment for ______________ in honor of______________ for his/her__________.'
'I don't have a facility in mind', or 'I don't have a specific date'.
Any further details or questions would be great too!
Please fill out the form below to inquire about my free service
'A song for your Senior'
In the message box below please tell me about your senior. I would like to get to know a little about them so I can speak to them for a few minutes before I sing. For example: What's their name/age? What type of music do they like? Any certain song?
Are they a veteran? What did they do for a living? What do they like?
Share as little or as much as you like. Any questions you have for me would be great too!
For questions, comments, feedback or to email photos or videos of performances without filling out a form, you can email me here: